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When Should You Deep Clean Your House

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

Most of us perform cleaning in our houses to maintain its hygiene, and have good quality of indoor air, besides making it look good. Everyone performs regular cleaning of the house. However, that is not enough to keep it completely sanitised. You have to deep clean your house to remove dust, dirt, debris, and disease-causing microbes from hidden or occasionally cleaned areas as well.

Usually, deep cleaning of a property is conducted either at the end of a tenancy or festivals. Many people thoroughly clean their homes at every change of season. If you are considering to deep clean your house please have a look at this guide by professional cleaners in Mount Lawley, Perth. It outlines how often should you do it and answers a host of questions related to deep cleaning.

When Should You Deep Clean Your House?

Commonly deep cleaning is performed once a year. However, the activity should be performed frequently. You should have a plan to deep clean your property every few months to keep all the areas and surfaces in it free of contaminants and germs. Additionally, you should thoroughly sanitise your house in the following circumstances.

· You have moved in to a new house

· You are at the end of a tenancy and need to perform vacate cleaning in your rented property in Mount Lawley, Perth to claim your bond money

· Your house was recently renovated or refurbished

· Household members are falling sick repeatedly

· Before and after festivals when many people will come to your house

How to Deep Clean Your house?

Deep cleaning our house may sound daunting but if you create a checklist and get the right supplies, it can be managed. Deep cleaning will require help from other household members as well so, make sure everyone is on-board. Start by cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms because these are the dirtiest areas in the house. Make sure you declutter the house first to get rid of unwanted and broken things. You can look for deep cleaning checklists online or download an application for guidance.

Should You Hire Professionals?

Many people are pressed for time and lack the energy to deep clean their house. Additionally, sometime it has to be done by professionals working for reputed cleaning companies like because a standard has to be maintained. Thus analyse your circumstances to know if you need to hire professional cleaners in Mount Lawley, Perth to thoroughly clean and disinfect your house.

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