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  • cherryclements88

Selling your home? Prepare to roll up your sleeves

Selling your home has now become about much more than just location and a great paint job.

You’d want to hope the property doesn’t have any signs of mould according to research conducted last year by sale sign auction house property market

A staggering 87% of house hunters would be put off buying a property because of mould, followed by structural decay (84%), smell of damp (83%) and signs the current owners are indoor smokers (55%) such as yellowing walls.

Rounding out the top 10 was a dirty bathroom (54%), peeling paint (49%), an out-of-date kitchen (45%), sign of a pet dog or cat (42%), worn carpets (36%) and a messy interior (35%).

An untidy garden, old fashioned wallpaper and dirty windows also made the list.

Bessie Hassan, Money Expert at, says figures show there are many features that house hunters cannot overlook.

“Mould can cause major issues, particularly for residents with respiratory problems so it’s not surprising it’s at the top of the list of things buyers steer clear of,” she says.

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