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  • cherryclements88

How to choose an architect: questions you need to ask

Are you looking to renovate, build or extend? Chances are you may be looking to use the services of an architect to make your dreams, pencil sketches and magazine cuttings a reality. Knowing what to expect of the relationship can not only ensure your experience is a smooth one, but that your project turns out how it should.

Here are some questions to ask yourself, and prospective architects, to help you to make a rather important decision.

Are they like-minded?

Trust and communication are a large part of any successful architect/client relationship. This means being on the same page on the design solution appropriate for your project. So, if you do not click when you first meet an architect, perhaps think twice. Ideally, you should also have fun while you see you dreams become reality. That means having a sense of humour, particularly when things are perhaps not quite going according to plan.

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