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  • cherryclements88

10 Fun Facts About Cleaning You Never Knew

Cleaning is more than just a chore; it's a fascinating realm filled with surprising tidbits. Did you know that the simple act of sweeping burns around 240 calories per hour? It's like a mini-workout! Additionally, the world's largest mop stands at a whopping 52 feet tall and was used to clean a building facade. Back in ancient Rome, urine was a popular cleaning agent due to its ammonia content. Speaking of ancient practices, people in medieval Europe cleaned their teeth with a mixture of soot and salt—yikes! Furthermore, dust isn't just dead skin cells; it can also contain traces of pollutants and chemicals. And here's a quirky fact: Cleaning can actually be a stress-reliever, triggering the release of feel-good endorphins. These fun facts peel back the layers of the seemingly mundane task of cleaning, revealing its unexpected history and science.

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